Registered 501(c)3 charitable organization


Since 2019, we’ve been helping thousands of families overcome the dire economic situation. But we are well aware that charity is not a sustainable model. So, in 2021, we launched our job creation and empowerment initiatives. We prioritize individuals who are eager to participate in trainings and employment opportunities.
By virtue of diversity and cultural sensitivity, we adopt a fair and open selection method. Our programs are flexible, and offer tailored solutions that meet individual needs and aspirations. We aim to empower individuals in underprivileged communities so they can contribute meaningfully to sustainable economic growth models that can be replicable.
Regular evaluations and feedback mechanisms are used to refine the selection process and ensure the program’s effectiveness. Once these individuals acquire the necessary skills, they start producing food and crafts that they sell through our social enterprise: KANZ

“Giving someone the freedom of choice means giving them dignity.”

“Beit el Baraka acknowledges that the only way to break the cycle of poverty is to provide access to high-quality education. According to UNESCO, if all adults in low-income nations completed secondary school, we may reduce the rate of poverty worldwide by over 50%.

“Kanz aims at achieving scalable and lasting change in Lebanon’s rural areas by providing sustainable solutions that tap into Lebanon’s boundless opportunities, and transmit the skills needed for Beit el Baraka’s beneficiaries to become self-sufficient producers.”

“The weakness of the government is reflected by problems in the public education sector. At the primary and secondary levels, Lebanon has struggled to increase the quality of public education since the end of the civil war. And this is where the problem begins.”

“Two-thirds of Lebanese children attend private schools, with public schools becoming the last resort for underprivileged families. The quality of private education has become higher than public education, resulting in increased gaps between the two sectors. This inequality is penalising thousands of students, and we are working hard to offer equal access to quality education.”

“What would happen if we enabled charity dependent people to become productive members of the workforce? What if we could unlock the vast potential of Lebanon’s women? Beit el Baraka salutes the indomitable power of the individual and the small family-run businesses that are the engine of opportunity around the world. The best chances to defeat our biggest problems will come from small, private-sector solutions, not from further dependency on massive NGOs and corporations. Small “cottage” enterprises have the capacity to improve societal issues, thanks to their speed to market.”

“Charity alone is not sufficient for addressing the immense problem of poverty in Lebanon, so Beit el Baraka strives to address the source of this problem through a holistic approach. Given that unemployment is the foundation of poverty and poverty is our greatest problem, then establishing employment opportunities is crucial to achieving sustainable socioeconomic development.”

“The primary objective of Beit el Baraka is to facilitate the transition of charity beneficiaries into self-reliant workers by identifying sustainable employment prospects, teaching new skills, and supporting individuals who want to work. Beit el Baraka’s vision is based on individual and community empowerment as the key to breaking the cycles of dependency. We invest in endeavours that we are confident will have a lasting positive effect on society.”

“Kanz was born out of a recognition of the need to make a positive impact and create meaningful employment opportunities through professional training.
The realization that impactful jobs were necessary led to market research, which uncovered significant gaps in various fields, notably in food production. This sector presented a deficiency despite Lebanon’s fertile soil and historical reputation as an agricultural exporter. The government strategy of the 1990s led to a rapid decline in this sector, despite its historical importance for the Lebanese economy.”


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Beit el Baraka is a Lebanese-based charity with a support program that aims at providing a safety net for Lebanese households of retirees aged 65 and above, and children aged 18 and less, living in strong financial distress.

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